What is a Developer ?

Developers are people who rely on programming languages ​​to design, create and maintain programs, software and applications. Developer will be an expert in at least one programming language. Furthermore, they are key players in the development of software,  applications.

Main activities carried out by Developer

  • Meet customers and analyze customer needs.

  • Design different pieces of software and let them work together to visualize how the software will work.

  • Directly work with other departments to pass it on to programmers and coders so that they can develop products more fully. When needing opinions from Software Developer, they still need to be present to convey enough information about the product as well as customer needs that Software Developer wants the product to meet.

  • Follow up to update or improve product features so that when applying the product into practice, the best effect is achieved.

Essential hard skills and knowledge

  • Good background in Computer Science, especially with Data Structures & Algorithm.
  • Programming and writing code.
  • Design and organize information.
  • Testing the software, ensuring the software runs smoothly and meets the requirements.

  • Proficiency in Java, with a good understanding of its ecosystems.

  • Basic Understanding of the concepts of MVC (Model-View-Controller) Pattern, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), and RESTful web services.
  • Đã làm việc nhiều trên MySQL. Redis. Worked extensively with MySQL, Redis.
  • Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu XML, JSON. Markup Languages such as XML, JSON.
  • Good experience with Linux-based OS.

Essential soft skills

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Patient
  • Open thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Responsibility

Language skills

  • Ability to read and understand English documents for work.